Saturday 10 March 2012

Text that refurence the way in which Freudian Theory is still used in contemporary Feminist Film Theory

  • "developing a theory that satisfactorily combines the essential insights of both
    Marx and Freud. Johnston is convinced that the method for developing such a
    theory is to be found in semiology and structuralism. Asserting the need for a
    more “scientific” approach to feminist criticism, Johnston attempts to combine a
    neo-Marxist view of art with insights from Metz and semiology in general.", " On the other hand, Johnston is influenced by the work of Louis Althusser, (3) who sees ideology as a series of
    representations and images and thereby linked to the unconscious." -

With both quotes containing refurences to Freud, one being use of his name directly and the other the mention of "the unconscious" which is a key part of Freudian theory.

  • "Still, writers in feminist film theory commonly assume Mulvey's basic parameters
    and take some version of psychoanalytic theory as a desideratum. Key issues are
    often seen only in terms of some refinement or qualification of psychoanalytic
    theory. Thus Barbara Creed's book The Monstrous-Feminine argues that the fact
    that women in horror films are often not victims but monsters "necessitates a
    rereading of key aspects of Freudian theory, particularly his theory of the
    Oedipus complex and castration crisis." [Creed 1993]" -

Talking about contemporary feminist film theory, clearly stating the use of psychoanalyisis and Freud.

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