Sunday, 5 February 2012

Research skills

Research Skills seminar 03/02/2011
-Finding books in the Library (LRC)

  1. Arrive on the PCA main page and click ‘eLibrary’
  2. Use quick search and select ‘Author’, ‘Title’, ‘Subject’ or ‘Keyword’ (eg: to search for David Hockney put ‘Hockey’ in the search box with ‘Author’ selected)
  3. then press ‘Search’
  4. You will then have a list of results, showing the location of the books and their classmark.
  5. Locate the classmark in the library to locate the book.
  6. Be aware of the ‘Status’. If it reads ‘check shelves’ the book should be there. If there is a due date (eg: ‘DUE 10-01-11) then it won’t be there until that date and if necessary make use of the ‘Request’ function.

Finding journals online using JSTOR:

  1. Arrive on the PCA main page
  2. click ‘eLibrary’
  3. On the right hand side, click on the link to JSTOR
  4. Go to ‘Advanced Search’
  5. Input your search terms
  6. To narrow your search, tick the relevant boxes underneath (eg: ‘Art and Art
  7. To view the journal, click the PDF link on the results page
  8. The journal will then open in Adobe Reader
  9. Once the journal is open in Adobe Reader, you can right click on your mouse and save
    it to your computer for future reference!

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